Are You Micromanaging Your Jewelry Marketing?

In this episode, I discuss all the ways that micromanaging is hurting your marketing efforts – AND what you can do about it. WAIT! Before you ignore this episode because you think, “Oh, I don’t micromanage, and this doesn’t apply to me”, hear me out! Even if you’re a solopreneur, and you don’t have a team of people, you might actually be micromanaging yourself. If you work with freelancers, interns, vendors, business partners, etc., you might be micromanaging them.

When you micromanage, you risk thinking too small and missing the big picture – along with major opportunities. You’re probably giving yourself more busy work than you need to be giving yourself. And you risk loss of productivity and forward momentum. Definitely watch this episode because you may be guilty of micromanaging in ways you didn’t even realize, and I’ll explain how you can change your mindset – and start making progress.